Hangover-Free Alcohol Is in the Works and Life Will Never Be the Same

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Cheers to science! A hangover-free alcohol that allows you to enjoy the benefits of booze without the headache the next morning is in the works, The Independent reports. The synthetic alcohol, called alcosynth, is being developed by a British professor named David Nutt who studies neuropsychopharmacology, or how our brains are affected by drugs, including alcohol.

How would this nontraditional alcohol work? It's a liquor substitute that you'd use in place of vodka or gin in your cocktails. It still gets you drunk and allows you to enjoy the social benefits of drinking, but it won't leave you with a dry mouth, headache, or nausea the next day. Professor Nutt has developed dozens of prototypes but has two that are being tested for future use: "one is pretty tasteless, the other has a bitter taste," he told The Independent. The professor added, "It will be there alongside the scotch and the gin, they'll dispense the alcosynth into your cocktail, and then you'll have the pleasure without damaging your liver and your heart. They go very nicely into mojitos."

If you're eager to give it a try this weekend, don't get your hopes up just yet. Professor Nutt hopes to replace all regular alcohol with this substitute . . . but not until 2050. Waiting 34 years is a small price to pay for the lifetime of hangover-free mornings to come.