Oreo Tacos Are the Hybrid Dessert of Our Dreams

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Only greatness can come out of a friendly couple's dessert competition, and the number one example is Oreo tacos, which we're calling TACOREOS. The couple who runs the popular YouTube channel Hellthy Junk Food decided to compete for the better Oreo taco, and let's just say that all of our cookies-and-cream dreams have come true. While it's obvious who the winner is here (sorry, JP), we're definitely going to be trying out Julia's recipe ASAP.

She starts by mixing flour, cocoa, sugar, baking soda, and baking powder. In a bowl for the wet ingredients, Julie adds melted butter, a quarter of a cup of milk, and an egg. She combines the wet and the dry ingredients and adds black food dye to get the shell as dark as possible to fully resemble Oreo cookies. Julia pours the ingredients onto the griddle to create the round shells.

Once the shells are ready and the cream filling has been made, Julia fills the shell with cream (while it's in the taco holder), and then places another shell on top. As we carefully clean our drool off our computer screens, Julia fills the second shell with Oreo ice cream, whipped cream, and chocolate drizzle. Not only have we found a way to incorporate tacos into our dessert, but it looks like this is about to be the best dessert we've ever made (that is, if we don't eat all the ingredients mid-recipe).

Watch the video above to see how it's done, and check out exactly how to make an Oreo taco here.