The Surprising Dinner Hack You'll Want to Steal From Kylie Jenner

Snapchat user kylizzlemynizzl
Snapchat user kylizzlemynizzl

Kylie Jenner is not a "typical" 19-year-old in most senses of the word (she has a $3 million mansion, for example), but her eating habits are totally relatable to many teenagers. In a recent Snapchat story, Kylie shared a snap of her instant ramen noodles and revealed what she adds to make them taste better. "I add butter, garlic powder, and an egg to my ramen noodles," she wrote, which would make the noodles even more flavorful and creamy. If you spent plenty of college afternoons eating ramen and trying to find ways to make the cheap staple a little more interesting, I'm sure you can relate. All three of these additions are things you might have on hand anyway, so trying it out the next time a ramen craving strikes would totally be worth a shot. "What do u add?" Kylie wrote in the caption. Let us know!