Marshmallow Crispy Oreos, You Complete Us

Not to be hyperbolic or anything, but when we heard that Oreo was unleashing a Rice Krispies Treats-inspired cookie, our minds pretty much exploded. The next 48 hours were dominated by a frenzied checking of the mail to see if the package had come. As for when it arrived, let's just say that our office was nearly put on riot alert.

Now's the time when we tell you they were middling at best, right? Wrong! Thankfully, Oreo delivered (both literally and figuratively); now on to the meat of the review.

Marshmallow Crispy Oreos

In short, these are our hands-down favorite Oreo flavor. Why? Well, think back to the last time you had a bowl of Lucky Charms (hopefully it hasn't been too long). You know how the milk tastes after you've devoured each and every marshmallow? Well, Marshmallow Crispy Oreos ($3) taste like that. Not only do they nail the Rice Krispies Treats flavor, but they crunch like them too, thanks to a sprinkling of rice cereal in the icing sandwiched between two Golden Oreo wafers. Marshmallow Crispy Oreos, you complete us.


Cookie Dough Oreos

On the other hand, Cookie Dough Oreos (3), while tasty, could use some serious rebranding. Don't buy these thinking you'll get a dense, vanilla-rich, cookie-dough-centered take on the classic cookies-and-cream experience. Instead, we'd best describe these as some very confused mocha Oreos. Tasty to be sure (if coffee-flavored sweets are your thing), but mislabled. Oreo: if you take out the chocolate chips and slap a new label on the box, we think you'll have not one but two hits on your hands.

As Cookie Dough Oreos:

As "mocha" Oreos: