Your Favorite Teavana Teas Will Finally Be Available in Grocery Stores

POPSUGAR Photography | Hedy Phillips
POPSUGAR Photography | Hedy Phillips

Four delicious varieties of Teavana bottled teas are now available in grocery stores in New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Missouri. You can now purchase Pineapple Berry Blue Herbal Tea, Peach Green Tea, Passion Tango Herbal Tea, and Mango Black Tea in select grocery stores, but if you're not in one of the previously mentioned four states, fear not: Teavana will be rolling the teas out in the Northeast this Spring with the rest of the country to follow this Summer. They'll be more widely available in stores by 2018.

The teas come in sweet glass bottles and are all 100 calories or less. They contain no artificial flavors and are inspired by current Starbucks and Teavana offerings. The flavors are what you come to expect from the Teavana brand — refreshing and rejuvenating. You'll definitely find yourself reaching for these on your next grocery store trip!