Pringles Re-Created an Entire Thanksgiving Dinner With New Flavors, and We Tried Them

POPSUGAR | Brinton Parker
POPSUGAR | Brinton Parker

When I got an email asking me if I'd like to be one of the lucky first tasters to try Thanksgiving-dinner-flavored Pringles, obviously I hopped at the chance to say yes. What I didn't realize was that when they said "Thanksgiving Dinner," they meant Thanksgiving dinner; the limited-edition flavors I received included pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, macaroni, green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and creamed corn. The eight seasonal flavors aren't available to the public this year, but they could be in the future . . . and there's one flavor that I would gladly inhale an entire tube of.

With the help of coworkers, I tasted every single type of Thanksgiving chip — some good, some hilariously bad. Check out our reviews of each flavor ahead and see which was our ultimate favorite!

Our Reviews

Our Reviews

Turkey: "Salty and savory," wrote one reviewer, while another commented, "Damn, if you want turkey flavor, you're going to get a TON of it. It tastes baked, not smoked." ★★★☆
Mashed Potato: While some reviewers found the taste too salty, others said the flavor is spot-on, adding, "These taters must be doused in sour cream; tangy." ★★★★☆
Mac & Cheese: "Yummers! Tastes like classic homemade cheesy goodness," wrote one taste-tester. ★★★★★
Creamed Corn: Reviewers were most grossed out by this flavor, commenting "Why is this sweet?! Tastes just like sugar! Corn should be a sweet and savory mix." ★☆☆☆☆
Green Bean Casserole: "Tastes like sweet onion and fresh, crisp green beans," described a tester, while another said they would eat an entire bag. ★★★☆☆
Cranberry Sauce: "Nope, this is offensive. It's sour and powdery," described a taste-tester. ★☆☆☆
Pumpkin Pie: "Very PSL," wrote one review, and another said, "Tastes like chemicals and shame." ★★☆☆☆
Stuffing: Stuffing was the favorite flavor out of the entire "Thanksgiving dinner." Reviewers commented, "I will crush this up and put it on top of my real stuffing for crunch. Accurate flavor!" ★★★★★