The Name of This Recipe Tells You Every Beautiful Thing You Need to Know: Butterfinger S'mores Pie


While I thoroughly enjoy Butterfinger, s'mores, and pie all on their own, someone decided to combine all three for one epic dessert mashup: Butterfinger S'mores Pie. Seriously, I would love to know exactly who came up with this because I'd like to send them a basket of muffins (or gold) to say thank you. The chocolaty, gooey, and crumbly dessert comes from Ferrero, who wanted to put a new spin on a few classic summer desserts. And, uh, I'd say it definitely succeeded.

The recipe for Butterfinger S'mores Pie is actually very simple and requires just a few steps. And since you don't really want to turn on your oven in the heat of the summer, it requires very minimal baking (you can also just use a mini blowtorch to brown the marshmallows if you have one handy!). While the dessert is very rich and decadent, I kinda think that's what desserts should be. It'll satisfy your sweet tooth no matter what you're craving, and it's such a fun pie to dig into around a campfire.

Keep reading for the full recipe and instructions, and feel free to swap in a different candy if Butterfingers aren't really your thing — Snickers, Crunch bars, M&M's, you name it!

Butterfinger S'mores Pie

Yield1 pie



    • 1 9-inch graham cracker crust pie
    • 2 cups chocolate pudding
    • 1 cup Butterfinger, chopped
    • 3/4 cup Marshmallow Fluff
    • 1 cup mini marshmallows
    • 1/4 cup chocolate syrup
    • For topping: 1 cup Butterfinger, chopped


    1. Layer each ingredient into the pie crust as follows: chocolate pudding, Butterfinger pieces, Marshmallow Fluff, marshmallows.

    2. Using a mini blowtorch (or can place the dish in the oven), toast the marshmallow until golden brown.

    3. Top with more chopped Butterfinger and a drizzle of chocolate syrup.

    4. Slice the pie into pieces and serve.
