This Easy Dinner Is Perfect For Al Fresco Dinner Parties

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Hosting guests on a lovely Summer evening should not be about spending hours in the kitchen sweating over hot and steaming pots. Make it easy on yourself with simple recipes that are enhanced with flavors of coconut and honey. Everything comes together in no time, which makes for a relaxing meal with good friends.

Drinks: Coconut-Mint Sippers
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Drinks: Coconut-Mint Sippers

Start the dinner right with a refreshing cocktail made with coconut water, fresh mint, and a shot of vodka. Offer guests other fun addditions, like lime or even vanilla beans, for elevating the drink.

Get the recipe: coconut-mint sippers

Appetizer: Brie With Honeycomb
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Appetizer: Brie With Honeycomb

This is potentially one of the easiest and most stunning appetizers ever, and soft cheeses like brie are best when served at room temperature. Set it on the table and let guests dig in — the honeycomb adds the perfect sweet touch to the strong flavor of the cheese.

Get the recipe: brie with honeycomb

First Course: Salad With Green Apples and Green Tea Dressing
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

First Course: Salad With Green Apples and Green Tea Dressing

Add lots of vibrancy to baby kale and fresh Spring greens with slices of tart, green apple and a dressing made with green tea and honey. It's a delicous combo that's also light.

Get the recipe: green apple salad with green tea dressing

Main Course: Coconut Shrimp With Lime
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Main Course: Coconut Shrimp With Lime

These skewers of luscious shrimp coated with coconut flakes then quickly grilled over hot coals are beyond delicious. Squeeze lots of lime on top and serve alongside fluffy rice or even grilled vegetables. They are ready to eat in minutes and are so good straight from the grill.

Get the recipe: grilled coconut shrimp with lime

Dessert: Cranberry-Coconut Granita
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Dessert: Cranberry-Coconut Granita

Finish things off with a dessert that basically makes itself. The simple combination of cranberry juice, honey, and coconut water ends the meal with all the right flavors.

Get the recipe: cranberry-coconut granita

Dinner Is Served
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Dinner Is Served

Adorn the table with fresh items, like honey, coconuts, green apples, and lots of flowers. The colors and scents complement what you're eating while also adding to the decor. Happy eating!

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More From Garnier Whole Blends

As the host of the party, it's important to take time and make sure you look as beautiful as your occasion. Garnier Whole Blends took special care in curating wholesome ingredients and unique fragrances to nourish, hydrate, and repair hair. With six different blends, you're sure to find the blend that will bring out your naturally beautiful hair. Find your blend.