These Crispy Homemade McDonald's Hash Browns Call For Only 3 Ingredients

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Ortiz

You know that scene in Big Daddy when Adam Sandler enters full panic mode when he realizes that he missed the window for ordering McDonald's breakfast? That devastation and utter disappointment he felt in 1999 is a painful sentiment that is shared amongst lovers of the golden arch's breakfast offerings to this day. And whether they reach for a warm egg Mcmuffin or fluffy hotcakes with syrup, the meal — ranked number one in fast-food breakfasts — just isn't complete unless enjoyed alongside at least one crispy, salted hash brown. And thanks to TikTok user @saucedupfoods, we can avoid the heartbreak and make the coveted hash browns at home — at any time we please — with just three simple ingredients.

For those who haven't heard the news yet, McDonald's will be rolling out All-Day Breakfast nationwide starting October 6th. And yes, we cannot be more excited to eat hotcakes for dinner.

First, peel potatoes and cut into thirds.

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Ortiz

This recipe calls for parboiling your potatoes, which means boil them just until you can just barely push a fork through them. There should still be a lot of resistance in the potato and it should not fall apart when pierced; this is important for the grating step, as you want the potatoes to keep their shredded shape instead of turning into mush.

Remove the potatoes after eight minutes and let cool.

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Ortiz

Make sure the potatoes have cooled completely, or at least 90 percent of the way, before grating to further ensure an even shred. Grate into a medium-sized bowl.

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Ortiz

Add egg, corn starch, and a generous portion of salt. Mix until thoroughly combined.

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Ortiz

Mold potato mixture into desired hash brown shape and size on a parchment paper-lined sheet pan, then place in the freezer for 30 minutes. You want to make sure the hash browns are pretty solid when you add them to the pan to reduce the chance of breaking up in the pan during the cooking process.

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Ortiz

Once the hash browns are cold and firm enough to keep their shape, fry them in 1/4/-1/2" of oil on high heat and flip until both sides are evenly golden brown.

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Ortiz

Serve with ketchup or your favorite dipping sauce and enjoy!

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Ortiz

3-Ingredient McDonald's Hash Browns

Prep Time30
Cook Time15
Yield4 Hashbrowns

TikTok user @saucedupfoods


    • 2 Russet potatoes
    • 1 egg
    • 1 tbsp cornstarch
    • Salt to taste


    1. Peel potatoes and cut into thirds.

    2. Boil potato segments for eight minutes and let cool.

    3. Grate potatoes into a medium-sized bowl.

    4. Add egg, cornstarch, and a pinch of salt. Mix well.

    5. Mold potato mixture into desired hash brown shape and size on a parchment paper-lined sheet pan.

    6. Freeze patties for 30 minutes.

    7. Fry on high heat.

    8. Serve and enjoy!
