8 Pro Tips For Clearing Negative Energy Out of Your House

POPSUGAR Photography | Julia Sperling
POPSUGAR Photography | Julia Sperling

Your house can't give you the stink eye, but it can give you bad vibes. If trapped negative energy is bringing you down in your most sacred of spots, then it's time you cleared it out. For some advice on this sensitive issue, we consulted with Amy B. Scher, an energy therapist and the author of How To Heal Yourself When No One Else Can. Ahead, check out her eight easy suggestions for making your house feel like a welcoming home once again.

Display Greenery
POPSUGAR Photography | Julia Sperling

Display Greenery

"Plants are an awesome natural filter for negative energy," Amy says. Their health-boosting and air-quality-enhancing abilities don't hurt either!

Sprinkle Salt
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Sprinkle Salt

Want to soak up bad energy? "Salt crystals have an amazing natural built-in ability to absorb negative energy," says Amy. She suggests sprinkling salt on the carpet (you can vacuum it up after an hour or so) or temporarily placing bowls of salt in the corners of the room.

Rearrange Furniture
POPSUGAR Photography | Julia Sperling

Rearrange Furniture

"Rearranging your furniture can do wonders for your home's energy," says Amy. "While there are specific rules to feng shui . . . I like to rearrange based on how I feel in any given room." She explains that something as simple as turning a chair to face the opposite direction, catty-cornering a piece of furniture, or moving a house plant over a few feet can make it feel, "calmer or more secure, even though there is no logical explanation for it."

Burn Sage
Valley & Co. Lifestyle

Burn Sage

To clear out bad juju, Amy suggests buying white sage smudge sticks and walking around the house swinging them in a counterclockwise rotation. She explains, "I usually say something as I do it like, 'I’m clearing all stagnant energy from this space and allowing only that of the highest vibration to remain.'"

Black Tourmaline Crystal
The Crystal Healing Shop

Black Tourmaline Crystal

Black tourmaline are Amy's favorite crystals for doing away with negative energy. She scatters them throughout her home for the biggest impact.

Spray Air Freshener
A Beautiful Mess

Spray Air Freshener

"Buying or making a room spray with pure essential oils helps clear negative energy," Amy explains. Her go-to essential oils for clearing are rose, lavender, frankincense, and patchouli.

Open Doors and Windows
POPSUGAR Photography | Diggy Lloyd

Open Doors and Windows

Opening windows and doors aids in the clearing of particularly heavy energy, while allowing cleansing sunlight to come in. "When we are fearful or having a hard time emotionally, we like to hole up inside. But that keeps things stuck. Movement and flow clears energy. So open those windows and doors. You can even visualize the space being cleaned and re-energized for a few seconds if you'd like," she says.

Change Your Own Emotions
POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock

Change Your Own Emotions

"When focusing on negative energy in your home, be careful not to miss the most prominent energy in the whole house: yours," Amy warns. She says that whatever you're struggling with, from negative thinking pattern or to old hurts, will live in your house with you. "Many times, people come to me and say, 'My house has heavy energy'; but as soon as we clear anxiety, fear, and anger they've been storing within themselves, they feel so much better in their homes!"