Joanna Gaines's 6 Genius Tricks to Make House Guests Feel Completely Welcome

Hospitality is the theme of the debut issue of The Magnolia Journal, Chip and Joanna Gaines's hotly anticipated new magazine published by Meredith. We were lucky enough to get a sneak peek inside and were not disappointed by what we saw. The beautifully illustrated quarterly publication is timed perfectly with our holiday prep and all the hostessing that goes along with it. If you're expecting overnight visitors over the holidays — or any time — then you don't want to miss Joanna's brilliant tips for making friends and family feel at home.

1. Scented Candle

Joanna recommends having it lit when guests arrive and leaving a box of matches nearby so they can relight at their leisure.

2. Internet Access

Help your guests browse the web with ease by displaying your login info on a notecard, as they do at a nice hotel and Chez Gaines.

3. Bath Essentials

Save your guests the awkwardness of having to ask to borrow your toothpaste or where to find a facecloth by leaving a stack of fresh towels and small toiletries ready to go in the bathroom for them.

4. Tray of Necessities

Joanna proves she's the most thoughtful hostess we know by suggesting you leave a basket of small and often overlooked — but must-have — goodies, like a spare phone charger and pain relievers, on a tray by the bed.

5. Cozy Layers

Anticipate chilly nights by leaving an extra blanket and a few pillows of various firmness at the foot of the bed, Joanna suggests.

6. Fresh Flowers

Complete your gracious welcome like Joanna does, by placing a vase full of blossoms on the dresser. They'll elevate the look and smell of your guest room.