13 Spooky Signs Your House Is Haunted

Your home or apartment is usually your safe haven and your most comfortable space, but you can't help but notice strange occurrences lately. The lights are flickering mysteriously, your cat is intently staring at what appears to be nothing, and even some of your belongings are starting to disappear without explanation. This could all just be a series of odd coincidences, or maybe they might mean a little something more. We all have our own beliefs when it comes to the authenticity of ghosts, but we have gathered 13 of the most tell-tale signs if you are finding yourself in the midst of some possible paranormal activity.

1. Unexplained Noises

If you are alone, yet you are hearing footsteps, creaky floors, or even a startling 'thud' in the night, it may be cause for concern.

2. Lights Flickering on and Off

You are positive you turned your bathroom light off before leaving the house, yet it is shining bright when you return. This could be due to a bad memory, or some ghostly activity could be at play.

3. Strange Animal Behavior

Dogs and cats are said to have a unique connection to the 'other' world. Stranger Dimensions suggests that a cat staring at invisible objects or a dog barking into space could mean they see something that you do not.

4. Items Disappearing or Being Moved

When you find yourself turning over the house to find a book, a favorite necklace, or even your glasses, you may want to think twice. Did you really misplace your items, or did something/someone else?

5. Areas of Extreme Temperature (Hot or Cold)

Stepping into a random area of your home that is extremely hot or cold, without any kind of discernible explanation, is another major red flag.

6. Questionable House History

It may not hurt to delve into the history of your home or apartment. If any kind of shady activity took place there many years ago, the aftermath of that may still haunt the physical space.

7. Doors Opening and Closing

Hearing, or worse — seeing, your doors open and close on their own is another sign of the supernatural. However, The Occult Blogger cautions to not confuse this with a simple breeze moving through, as this sign in particular can be easily misinterpreted.

8. Random Smells

Noticing a foreign smell similar to a perfume or cologne is a revealing sign to watch for in your home.

9. Feeling an Unknown Presence

Do you often experience an odd sensation that you aren't completely alone? This could be your mind playing tricks on you, or there could be a ghostly presence nearby.

10. Hearing Subtle Voices

The moment when you realize the TV was not left on in the other room like you originally thought.

11. Witnessing Apparitions

There is also the possibility of witnessing eerie apparitions. While this can prove to be a creepy experience, Forever Conscious says that blue orbs can mean spirits, but white orbs can mean angels!

12. Startling Nightmares

Telepathic activity can even affect your sleep, filling your usual lovely night's rest with unpleasant dreams.

13. Levitating Objects

While the chances of your cereal bowl or coffee mug levitating off the table are small, it is still a plausible situation for haunted homes.