How Ikea Plans to Make You Emotional

Ikea is getting in touch with its feelings. Instead of clever storage solutions or custom kitchen options, its latest collection is of 12 street art posters. The gritty works were created by street artists from all over, and each is truly unique, from its personality to its execution and technique. According to Ikea, the art collection is designed to evoke emotions and the idea is to bring the urban art from the streets to the home with an accessible $15 price tag. Check out a few of the prints below, and visit an Ikea store on April 1 to shop the entire collection.

Indonesian artist Eko Nugroho created this image about violence and tolerance.

The translated title of this work by Dutch artist Jeroen Erosie means "fear of emptiness."

Nevercrew, a Swiss duo, entitled this work "Message in a Bottle."

In this poster, John Crash Matos tried to blend the energy of graffiti with the world around him.

Artist duo Koralie and Supakitch say this work merges their unique characters to create a new story.

Chinese artist Hua Tunan's eagle represents the courage of street artists.

Abstract ideas abound in this work by Spain's Nuria Mora.