5 Tips That'll Help You Make and Keep Lifelong Friendships


Singer, actress, fashion designer, entrepreneur, writer, and mom of two Thalia shares her parenting, lifestyle, fashion, and beauty tips as POPSUGAR Latina's contributor.

People often ask me how many friends I have. It seems that because of the nature of my career as an actress and singer, my involvement in the fashion business, and because I get to meet so many different people all the time, people think I have plenty of friends, and that is far from the truth.

For me, friends are twin souls that one finds at different points in life. We have to have a lot of things in common, build stories together, and they absolutely have to have a bit of a crazy side just like I do. I do have a lot of acquaintances, and I love it because I get to talk, exchange interesting ideas, and spend fun times with them. Although, when it comes down to my close friends, I have only a select few. I take pride in taking care of them as if they were my treasures, and I love them so much! Here are some tips to make and take care of friendships for life.

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Be Sincere and Honest Above All

Be Sincere and Honest Above All

I do not stay quiet when I am with my friends. By this I mean that, for example, if I see them doing something that is harmful to their health, I will immediately let them know what I think. I believe that is what friends are for.

Friends are like mirrors of ourselves and sometimes we reflect attitudes or situations that are not good for us. That is why being honest with each other is the link that will make friendships more solid. So, if I find out a friend is obsessed waiting for somebody's phone call or stressing out about things that they should let go of, I am honest and say what I think, and we discuss it and resolve the disagreements with love and without judging each other.

No Judging Allowed

No Judging Allowed

Speaking about no judgement. Passing judgement on somebody is extremely detrimental for human relations. I strongly believe that you can give your opinion when you are asked, but you should never say "I told you so" or "you are wrong," "you are crazy," "why did you do that?"

Instead, one should offer to help and work on the issues together, find solutions, and assure the friend that everything will get better, without judging him or her. It is never a good idea to disregard and undermine what your friend is going through. Bottom line, offer your support without being judgmental.



All of my dear friends, which I am grateful to have had in my life for many years, and I have something unique in common: We are a bit crazy and have tons of fun together. We are like mischievous little girls, and when we get together, call each other, or Skype or Facetime, there is never a dull moment. We laugh, we share jokes, and we are silly together.

There is no doubt in my mind that this element of craziness keeps us united! When I find people that are just like me, who want life to be more exciting and fun, and see more positives than negatives in everyday experiences, I tend to gravitate towards them; I take great care of the friendship we have and I always wish them the best.



In my case, whenever my friends need to talk, I always listen. I am a person who likes to listen without judging. I enjoy being the friend who is always there to pay attention and lend an ear, so much that some of my friends call me the "psychologist" of the group. I am the one who will stay quiet and will listen for hours, if necessary, without interrupting their monologues. At the end, only if they ask for my opinion, I tell them what I think in a very respectful and sincere way.

We all need friends who will listen to us without passing judgement. Those who will never point a finger at you and will never enjoy seeing you down are the ones you want to keep in your life forever. Those are true, genuine friends!

Pick Up the Phone and Call

Pick Up the Phone and Call

It doesn't matter how important we think technology is in our everyday lives and how easy it is to send a text, a voice message, a photo or an emoji — we need to find time to sit and call our friends the old-fashioned way. Call them and ask how they are, listen to them, and make sure to tell them you always think about them. Technology is turning human relations cold, so never let it get in the way of staying close to your friends.

I believe these simple tips will help you be more successful at improving and keeping your friendships intact. Remember that friends are to be treasured, and it is not easy to find people that become true friends in life. And, once you find them, they become your extended family and your support network. Your close friends can turn into your sisters and brothers for life, and that is an amazing gift.