This Little Boy's Famous Last Words After Trying a Chili: "Pica un Poquito"

We're feeling the pain this little boy experienced after eating a chili. In the video posted on Facebook by Pablinsky, a very confident kid decides to put a full chili in his mouth, but it's obvious he didn't expect what was coming next.

"Pica un poquito" were his famous last words before he got the full force of the spice. You can see him go from calm and collected to having a full-blown meltdown when water and pacing around don't stop the pain. You even hear a woman in the background say "Bebe, come papas" in an effort to help the child, but it's too late. He just keeps chugging water and holding his throat for dear life. He's probably never eating spicy food again. Watch it all go down above.