Gina Rodriguez Reveals Her Struggle With Anxiety and We Love Her For It

Gina Rodriguez is showing a side of herself people might not know. The 32-year-old Jane the Virgin actress posted a 10-second portrait of herself by her friend Anton Soggiu, and in the caption she revealed her struggle with anxiety.

"It's always great to be in front of his lens but this time it was just me. Bare and exposed in the streets of LA. No makeup. No styling. Just me," Gina said in the Instagram caption accompanying the video. "I suffer from anxiety. And watching this clip I could see how anxious I was but I empathize with myself. I wanted to protect her and tell her it's OK to be anxious, there is nothing different or strange about having anxiety and I will prevail. I like watching this video. It makes me uncomfortable but there is a freedom I feel maybe even an acceptance. This is me. Puro Gina."

In the video, Gina looks comfortable in a New York Yankees baseball cap, but behind her smile and with her revelation, she's showing us she's human — for that, we commend her.