I Am a Millennial Latina and I Am Voting For Trump

POPSUGAR Photography | Elizabeth Berecin
POPSUGAR Photography | Elizabeth Berecin

My name is Elizabeth Berecin, and I am voting for Donald Trump for president of the United States. I come from a multicultural family, as I am Mexican, Taiwanese, and European. My great-grandparents immigrated to the United States and quickly became American citizens, with the exception of my maternal grandmother, who is Taiwan-born and became an American citizen after marrying my grandfather. My family has lived the American dream that we all hope to achieve. It's that belief in the American dream that led me to be a conservative. The belief in hard work and perseverance, along with the idea that I am the only one responsible for my future, also played a key role in shaping my conservatism.

I will admit that I was once, years ago, a Hillary Clinton supporter. In fact, in 2008, I went to the Texas Democratic primary caucus with my grandfather in support of Hillary Clinton. In this election, he will also be voting for Trump.

I currently serve as the Texas social media director for Students For Trump. This being the first presidential election I am eligible to vote in, I knew I wanted to be involved with a campaign that values more than just the elite.

My initial attraction to Trump was the economic possibilities I believe he would bring to the United States. My next attraction to him is his authenticity. I have been in his presence twice, once at the Republican National Convention earlier this year and recently at a luncheon in Houston. The second time, I was within 40 feet of him, and I say this whole-heartedly: the man cares about this country and wants to see all Americans have a good and prosperous life. I want somebody in the White House that I know cares about me and who does not need this job. I believe that Trump will bring jobs back to our country and make trade deals that benefit the American people.

Now, I know that my candidate has made some remarks that some Latinos find offensive. I understand, and while I believe his comments regarding Mexico sending rapists and murderers came out overly general, there is some truth to his words. We do have illegal immigrants who commit crimes but are not deported. I am not just talking about Latinos, but immigrants from Europe and Asia. This is a fact: we do have rapists and murders who have come to this country we call home and are causing harm. Trump pushed mass deportation originally but has said more recently that instead he wants to enforce immigration laws in a fair way. Under a Trump presidency, there will be a reformed immigration system that will offer a way to legal citizenship.

As a Latina, Trump is my candidate because I want the American dream. I want to be able to work and earn the life I have been given the opportunity to achieve by being an American. My grandfather grew up picking cotton as a child; my grandmother never had a formal education, and yet they achieved all they wanted. This is why as a Latina I advocate for him because he gives me hope that this land is still the land of opportunity and it will continue to be for my children and their children.

With the election just days away, I have begun advocating for Trump more and more. My family is predominately voting for him too, with the exception of an aunt and cousin. My friends support my role with Students For Trump; however, not everybody agrees with Trump regardless of their support for me. There is a cloud of worry and fear when I tell strangers I am a Trump supporter and am working with Students For Trump. I have had a few of them label me a racist or misogynist, but through it all I will continue to support his candidacy until the very end. I will continue to speak up even if my opinion is not popular. I believe in a better future, one with endless possibilities. I believe in a Trump presidency and that together we will make America great again.

To contact Elizabeth Berecin, follow her on Twitter and Instagram.