How Latina Mamás Are Bringing Back the Fun and Their Heritage This Holiday

There's no doubt that this year the holiday gatherings will look very different, but that doesn't mean you can't have a good fiesta with your closest ones. We caught up with three mamás — Maggie, Carolina, and Claudia — to find out how they're planning on celebrating this exceptional holiday season, virtually and at home. Whether it's eating buñuelos, or gathering the kids around a piñata, in this episode, the three women share their sweetest memories of celebrating this special time when they were kids and how they have learned to incorporate those traditions into their lives in this country. Press play to learn how to make tamales with your kids and how these mamás are making sure this Christmas are unforgettable, safe, and fun!

We've partnered with Clorox to highlight real-life solutions that Latinx moms are coming up with for this unique holiday season.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Studios