You Have to Watch President Obama Dance the Tango Like a Total Pro

President Obama is a man of many talents, and he just demonstrated that dancing the tango is one of them. During the state dinner hosted by Argentinian President Mauricio Macri at the Kirchner Cultural Centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in celebration of the Obamas' visit to the South American country, the president and First Lady Michelle Obama were treated to a show of tango by two professional (and extremely fit) dancers.

Once their performance was over, the tango pros asked the first couple to join them, and there was absolutely zero hesitation from Barack and Michelle, as they immediately jumped out of their seats ready to hit the dance floor. The president was probably eager to show off his suave moves, because he totally killed it! Scroll ahead for video of his impressive dancing skills and to see more photos of the event.

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President Obama dancing the Tango at the Argentina State Dinner