11 Things You'll Only Understand If You Are a Single Latina

I'm in a relationship now and it's been pretty amazing, but I think the reason it's been so good is because I got to know myself (and my family) while I was single. My time flying solo taught me how family dynamics change as you change (and how that's OK) and how to be excited about spending time with myself (and how that's OK). It made family parties a great time to bond with my little cousins (out of necessity) . . . but I'm grateful. Being single really isn't as bad as your abuela and tía make it out to be.

If you're in the thick of singledom, stay strong. Just know you're not the only one going through the 11 struggles ahead.

How your dancing partner always seems to be the younger cousin who isn't old enough to date.

How your dancing partner always seems to be the younger cousin who isn't old enough to date.

Because everyone else at this wedding/birthday party is a couple. Literally, everyone.

That Abuela will tell you to use your "free time" to learn to cook.

That Abuela will tell you to use your "free time" to learn to cook.

Like, let's be real, Abuela, I haven't learned yet, probably not going to learn now. And is this your way of preparing me to be a "good wife"? Because, no.

Not even getting the plus-one on the invitation for the latest baptism.
Spike TV

Not even getting the plus-one on the invitation for the latest baptism.

It's like the family doesn't even expect you to be seeing someone. I mean, you're not, but still!

How everyone you come across while walking with your tía is a potential boyfriend.

How everyone you come across while walking with your tía is a potential boyfriend.

"Pero, what about that one?" Um, how about I just go hide over here.

Possibly (read: most likely) being on at least two dating apps and not being able to talk about it.

Possibly (read: most likely) being on at least two dating apps and not being able to talk about it.

Because there's no wrath like that of a matriarch asking you why in God's green Earth would you like to date someone off the internet.

Getting asked the same question at least five times at every family gathering.

Getting asked the same question at least five times at every family gathering.

"Where is the boyfriend?" They know you don't have one, but somehow they think the answers have changed since last Sunday.

The concept of first dates.
Comedy Central

The concept of first dates.

You go on dates, but your family just doesn't get the concept. "So, did he ask you to be his girlfriend?" No, because we're not in fifth grade.

The reality that after a couple of dates, things will go downhill if he doesn't get your family.

The reality that after a couple of dates, things will go downhill if he doesn't get your family.

Family: literally anyone you have come across since childhood who he has to understand plays an important role in your life. If you don't think they'll like him, then it's over.

Needing to remind yourself that you won't be like that one tía, if you don't want to.

Needing to remind yourself that you won't be like that one tía, if you don't want to.

You won't live alone in an apartment with your cat like your tía, unless you want to. You just have standards and that's OK.

How single time is the best time to learn to be comfortable in your own body and mind.

How single time is the best time to learn to be comfortable in your own body and mind.

No time like the present to learn how to put yourself first and embrace what's going to be best for you, regardless of what your family thinks is right.

Knowing that you're fine being single, but having to reassure others.

Knowing that you're fine being single, but having to reassure others.

More often than not, you find yourself comforting others (read: your family) about your relationship status. "It's all going to be OK, guys."