Things I Google When I'm Helping My Characters Commit Murder and Find True Love

Caroline Kepnes is the author of the critically acclaimed debut novel You. Her newest book with another scintillating twisty plot, Hidden Bodies, is available now.

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I blame Rich Kids of Instagram for this particular search.

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Because my duffel bag could not fit a body. Not a big one, anyway.

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It's a long story. I also just love Guns N' Roses, I loved Joe wanting to connect through this band. It probably goes back to that "November Rain" video. But that video, that would require a whole other list.

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Come on. Who isn't afraid of strip mall parking lots at night?

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I was like, is that really how it goes? Did I make this up in my head? No, I did not. That's really how it goes. So different from Tupac, that Tom Tom Club.

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Seriously, because it seems difficult but then when you've never done something, a lot of things seem difficult.

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Gyms intimidate me. Germs and strangers and nudity and people with willpower. All together. Sweating.

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I get it. I do.

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My friend's kids tease me when I go on their boat because I always think we're going to die and possibly lose our eardrums. So it's good to get another perspective.

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This is not about diet. This is about death, see.

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You know in The Town when they bleach everything, happens all the time in stories. There is a reason they are not using that pastel stuff from Trader Joe's.

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So many of my favorite words are in the song "Coming Up Easy." I had finished my book with my violets when I first heard it and I pretty much went nuts.

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Every time I watch J.B. Fletcher glide through Maine on her bike with her basket, I think, this is a show about people being brutally murdered.

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Mine are orange. I always want them to be pink. Such is the case with life, love, homespun weapons. And I strongly agree with Elle Woods. Orange is not pink.

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