Why You Need to Date a Divorced Guy

Is a past divorce a dealbreaker for you? YourTango shares the reasons why you shouldn't shy away from dating a divorced guy.


Here's why you shouldn't throw in the towel on a guy just because his past involves a divorce.

With the divorce rate hanging around the 50 percent mark, there's a decent chance that at some point in your life you'll find yourself smitten with a divorced guy and you'll be faced with the decision of whether or not dating him is a good idea. While it may seem a little shady at first— especially if he has extra baggage like kiddos — divorced men sometimes have more to offer than guys who have never taken the plunge.

According to the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger, divorced men are a "girl's best kept secret".

Well, we're letting the secret out now. Here's why.

1. He believes in serious, longterm commitment.
Although it may have not worked the first time around, the fact that he did get married shows that he believes in commitment. That’s a big deal in a society that's becoming more and more disillusioned with marriage.

2. The sex is awesome.
Statistically, married couples have sex less than those who aren’t hitched. According to The Social Organization of Sexuality, 80 percent of married couples only have sex a few times a month. If that was the case in his past relationship, just think about how buck wild he'll be in the sack now that he's with someone who wants to do it all the time, or at least more than his ex-wife.

3. He "gets" it.
He’s been there and done that. He understands about ups and downs, petty arguments, and the struggles that come with a serious relationship. It's not easy to keep things smooth sailing at all times, and just because his marriage didn't work out, it doesn't mean he's not up to the challenge to do it again.

4. Insta-family.
If you're cuckoo for babies, but aren't ready to have a few of your own, then a divorced guy who has a kid or two will give you the baby-fix you're looking for without overwhelming you and crowding your style.

For more reasons, head to YourTango: Boyfriend Material: 7 Reasons You Need to Date a Divorced Guy

—Amanda Chatel

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