Disney Princess Daenerys Needs to Happen — These Pictures Prove It

Artists Fernando Mendonca and Anderson Mahanski from Combio Estúdio in Brazil created images using the characters from the HBO series in the style of Disney animation, and the bleaker aspects of the show seem sunnier when seen through the rose-colored Disney glasses. We love the end result!

Melisandre's creepy monster-child looks way cuter in the Disney world.

Varys gets his insider info from the singing birds.

A White Walker channels Elsa with frozen spirit fingers.

Arya and the Hound throw down over a bite to eat.

The dreams of Brienne and Jaime shippers all over the world finally come true.

Just a friendly game of peekaboo between Oberyn and the Mountain, that's all.

Tyrion still doesn't get the happiest of endings in this scenario.

Hodor and Bran frolic in a meadow, which is a far cry from running for their lives like they usually seem to be doing.

Cersei is pretty much just being Cersei.

Looks like Disney Drogon has learned to behave.