This Photo of a Hot Grandpa in 1950 Is EVERYTHING

Remember the hot mall Santa? Well, you might want to prepare yourself for hot grandpa.

That megawatt smile really got to you, right?

OK, we have to admit when Reddit user Togakure uploaded this photo of his grandfather, the image was actually from 1950, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he was incredibly good looking and looked very dashing in his deployment uniform.

And we weren't the only ones to notice his smile or genetically blessed features. Reddit users quickly expressed their interest in this anonymous man, writing, "In 1950, Korea witnessed the most sparkly white teeth to be ever seen by mankind." Followed by a hilarious reply from one user who said, "probably used happydent."

Commentators also wanted to know if the grandfather was a model in the military and some even started wondering if the grandpa's good genes were passed on to the original poster. User Feisty_Red wrote, "Uh, hi. What do you look like?" So far, it doesn't seem like the person who posted the photo has responded.

Though our all-time favorite comment has to be from user Curlygirl74, who asked, "Do you have more pictures of your young gramps? You know . . . for research or something," because, well, we want to know, too!

So one million views on Imgur and several reddit comments later, it seems like the Internet agrees — Grandpa is mighty fine.