This Long-Distance Couple Found a Way to Have Date Night Every Single Week

Being away from the person you love is ROUGH. For those who have ever been in a long-distance relationship – myself included – one of the most difficult things to deal with is a physical lack of romance. With such separation, it's hard not to feel a void, especially when there are couples surrounding you left and right.

But thanks to this clever duo, long-distance couples everywhere will be inspired to keep their connections alive. Despite being miles and miles apart, they have date night at least once a week. "We met and fell in love cooking together. Nothing has changed," she wrote. They go grocery shopping together, they cook the meal together, and they sit down to eat together. How, you might ask? Well, a little imagination goes a long way. Keep reading to see how these two aren't letting distance get the best of them.

His shells.

Her shells.