15 Single-Girl Resolutions That Will Make 2015 the Best Ever

Whether you're completely and totally done with everything about 2014 or sad to see it go, it's time to start looking ahead — and possibly making some resolutions along the way. For all of you single ladies out there, the possibilities for change in 2015 are endless — no matter if you're looking for love or looking to stay as far away from a relationship as possible. We've rounded up 15 things you can resolve to do or change as soon as midnight strikes that will keep you happy, emotionally healthy, and totally ready for whatever — or whoever — will show up in the next 12 months. Source: Warner Bros.


  1. Create a specific set of standards to uphold before any involvement with someone and decide what kind of qualities you are looking for in a partner. This will help you weed out nonprospects.
  2. Be clear and concise about what you want in the next year. You don’t have to apologize for wanting — or not wanting — to be in a relationship with someone.
  3. Forgive the people who hurt you in 2014. Don't let past afflictions spoil your new start.
  4. If you're looking for a serious relationship, don't waste your time with people who want to have you but don't want to keep you.

  1. Don't try to fix anybody. Don't force something if it doesn't feel right.
  2. Don't lead people on, and by the same token, don't let yourself be led on.
  3. Avoid complications by being clear about your intentions.
Universal Pictures

  1. Decide for yourself whether or not hookups are something you can have on your plate. If so, do your thing! If not, stick to your guns and don’t get involved. They can either be really fun or terribly messy.
YouTube | Eric Wareheim

  1. Broaden your social scope. Be the friend who makes plans and gets others to go out. Make it a point to meet new people.
  2. Make an effort to reconnect with old friends.
  3. Don't be a third wheel if you don't want to be one.
Columbia Pictures

  1. Don’t rely on anyone else to make you feel like you are fabulous. Remember that you are awesome and deserving — these are facts that don't require validation.
  2. Don't be afraid to go for something. Make 2015 a year of being bold when it feels right.
Universal Pictures

  1. Be adventurous! Consciously decide to have fun. Don't take for granted all of the freedom that comes with being single.
  2. Take the time you have now to pursue a passion without the inhibition of worrying about how it might affect a significant other. Start that blog or go on that trip or completely change your wardrobe. As cliché as it may sound, the possibilities really are endless. Embrace it!