In a Relationship? Which of These 5 Types of Couples Are You?

If you've ever been in a fully committed relationship, then you know that no two couples are alike. In fact, preconceived notions about what couples should be like feel obtuse and almost archaic. But, given those irrefutable facts, there are some very common types of couples. So, if you're boo'ed up and curious about where you fit in, read ahead to find out which style of love best categorizes you two.

You're the Sartorial Superstars: Who has time to coordinate head-to-toe looks with their mate? You do. From your slip-on smoking slippers to your lapels and blazers, you match — or coordinate your looks — every time you step out of the house. And you can't help it. You guys just have the same eye for fashion — that's what brought you together.

You're the Photo Pros: You and bae can't get a double chin if you tried. Every snap is in perfect lighting, but it's not by chance. You have a top-of-the-line DSLR and have been known to whip out your collapsible light reflector disc on particularly cloudy days. You do what's necessary to capture the moment.

You're a Family of Friends: Your college roommate is dating his best friend from high school. Needless to say, your friend circle is thick with history. You could never break up because it would cause a domino effect of disaster. But it's OK, because you're not planning on it.

You're Dueling Designers: He's a UX designer at your favorite local design house, and you lead the art team at Chronicle Books. You make quite the pair when it comes to networking events in your field.

You're the Hosts With the Mosts: Your windowsill is covered in an indoor herb garden, which means you have fresh basil and mint at your disposal. You use the basil to add flavor to your pastas, and he uses the mint while playing in-house mixologist. There's a reason all of your friends tend to RSVP to your dinner parties.

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