A Woman Is Sharing 109 Love Letters From the Early 1900s

These days, when we are into someone, it takes the swipe of a finger or the seconds to send a text to tell them just that. Imagine waiting weeks or even months to find if your love interest even likes you back. It sounds like torture . . . but in the 1900s, it was the norm and actually was kind of sweet. Steph Knudson stumbled upon handfuls of letters at a vintage market in Chicago and didn't realize what kind of story she had discovered. She thought they might be fun to read on the train ride home with her best friend, who had also purchased a set, but as they read them aloud, they found a special correspondence between two people named John and Daisy.

"We both awed over the affection and love that emulated from those couple of letters and were a little sad that we only had this small piece of their story," she said on her website. "We must have been reading louder than we thought because when we stopped, the woman sitting in the opposite aisle turned to us and said 'Is that all you have?'" She went back to the vintage market and was able to round up a whopping 109 letters, and she is now sharing the beautiful story on her blog, bit by bit. Here are a few excerpts of Daisy's letters to John, and you can get updates on Steph's site as she releases them.

Nov. 4, 1905

I certainly am very glad to hear of your good fortune. How I wish I could see some of your work. I know that you deserve all the good fortune that comes to you, and I wish you all the success possible and you always have my best wishes.

Jan. 11, 1906

"When I think of the good time we had last summer, I cannot bear to think of never visiting or probably ever seeing all of you again. When you write to the girls or see them please tell them how anxious I am to hear from them. Are you going to give me what I deserve and make me wait long for an answer? Tell me about your plans for the winter."

Feb. 25, 1906

"I feel so often like feel like screaming and having a noisy time as I did last summer but I am a dignified school teacher. Just wait until next summer! I shall make up for it then. It is very kind of you to think of entertaining me and if I come, I shall be pleased to see you. I appreciate your kindness very much."