Two Strangers Restore Our Faith in Humanity With This Small Act of Kindness

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Rain or shine, Bud Caldwell of Fond du Lac, WI, has visited the bench he bought in memory of his wife, Betty, of nearly 56 years every single day since she died. He tells his Betty about everything that happened in his day, and he leaves a penny and daisy when he comes by, which are mementos that pay tribute to two of the couples' favorite songs together, "Pennies From Heaven" and "Daisy a Day."

After a recent snowstorm, Bud found his path to his wife's bench impassable. The previous year when it snowed, he had attempted to reach the bench and had fallen, so he didn't want to risk it again this year. Instead, he sat in his car and talked with Betty. Two Fond du Lac Parks employees, who knew of his daily routine, realized why Bud wasn't at the bench, and they did something truly amazing. Jerrod Ebert and Kevin Schultz said that they had to make sure Bud got to speak to his wife, so they got out shovels and cleared the path to the bench so that he could leave a daisy and penny and tell Betty about his day.

Bud said that Ebert and Schultz promised to keep the path clear through Winter so that he is able to safely see his wife and leave her mementos at their meeting place. Our faith in humanity? Consider it completely restored.