This Empowering Video About Gender Equality Will Give You Chills

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Tears don't care who cries them, love doesn't care who gives it — and equal pay doesn't care who demands it. In P&G's new #WeSeeEqual ad campaign, the company takes a firm stance on equality — and we love it.

"Through our actions and the conversations that we spark, we aspire to build a better world for all of us — inside and outside of P&G — free from gender bias and with equal representation and an equal voice for women and men," Procter and Gamble's description of the video said.

From the company who brought us the amazing Always brand "Like a Girl" ads, we're again impressed by the message coming in loud and clear in this new campaign: gender equality means a better world for us all. The internet agrees, and some took to Twitter to express their happiness over seeing such an uplifting ad. Watch the #WeSeeEqual video above.

2017 seems to be the year for companies to get vocal in taking a stand. Nice work, @ProcterGamble! #WeSeeEqual

— Emily E. Nickerson (@EmENickerson) March 3, 2017