The 1 Unexpected Thing You Should Include in Your Dating Profile

Literature-lovers, this is the best news you'll receive all day. Dating website combed through its extensive database to see what increases a person's chance for succesful dating. The one element you ought to include in your online profile may surprise you.

Mention Shakespeare in your profile to receive more responses.

It turns out that alluding to the iconic wordsmith ups a man's chance of a female response by 27 percent, probably due to the fact that females are 30 percent literary overall on the dating platform. Cheers to bookworms proactively seeking love! Additionally, singles who live in Kalamazoo, MI; Boise, ID; Montgomery, AL; and Washington, DC, mentioned Shakespeare on their profiles the most compared to the rest of the United States. Language arts enthusiasts may also have luck with dating in cities like Fort Collins, CO; Madison, WI; or Denver, CO, since Match named them as the most literary cities. Here's the full list:

Most literary cities of singles:

  1. Fort Collins, CO
  2. Madison, WI
  3. Denver, CO
  4. Ann Arbor, MI
  5. San Francisco, CA
  6. Seattle, WA
  7. Minneapolis, MN
  8. Austin, TX
  9. Boston, MA
  10. Washington, DC

Well, there you have it. Adding "Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?" in your bio may be the key to finding your soul mate.