TV's Worst Sitcom Boyfriends

We're happy to present this excerpt from one of our favorite sites, HowAboutWe. Everyone has a character that they love to hate. Find out how your favorite TV leading men stack up.

Who doesn’t love to turn off their brain and enjoy a good sitcom? But sometimes, even though you know it's for pure entertainment and no one in "real life" actually acts the way sitcom characters do, you still get a little annoyed and unnerved when you see certain characters exhibit horrible behavior. Sitcom boyfriends acting terribly is especially awful, because you think, "Well, I'd never put up with that." So let's just vent for a bit and talk about TV's worst sitcom boyfriends. We love them and we love to hate them.

Source: NBC

9. Ross Geller, Friends

9. Ross Geller, Friends

Why He's The Worst: His whining, his creepy flirtations, and his over-gelled hair. And there's the whole "we were on a break" thing. I get it Ross, you thought you and Rachel were over, but you couldn’t wait at a few days? I do feel bad for him, though — if you watch Friends as an adult, you realize that all of Ross's "friends" are actually total d*cks to him. Still, that hair.

Source: NBC

8. Chris Traeger, Parks and Recreation

8. Chris Traeger, Parks and Recreation

Why He's The Worst: Doesn't know when to back off, uses overwhelming optimism as an excuse, is basically just too f*cking positive and way too into health stuff.

Source: NBC

7. Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother

7. Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother

Why He's The Worst: He's still not over his ex-girlfriend (Robin), he's pretentious (he insists on pronouncing encyclopedia as "encyclo-ped-iah") and he takes a really, really, really, really long time to tell a story.

Source: CBS

6. Andy Bernard, The Office

6. Andy Bernard, The Office

Why He's The Worst: Andy is obsessed with his alma mater, throws scary tempter tantrums, has delusions of grandeur, and he'll take off on his boat at a moment's notice and forget about you. And he'll refer to it all as "the good old days."

Source: NBC

5. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

5. Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

Why He's The Worst: Pompous, bad at serious commitments, chases after women way younger than he is, and above all, doesn’t appreciate working on a good night cheese.

To find out who else made the list, head to HowAboutWe: TV's Worst Sitcom Boyfriends

—Almie Rose

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Source: NBC