How You Celebrate Halloween in Your 20s vs. in Your 30s

There's a time in your 20s when Halloween feels like the pinnacle of all reasons to party — where sexy cats and bunnies run rampant through the streets and anything alcohol-related is the main event of the evening. Good times. The holiday tends to change a bit for us the older we get, and while we will never tire of some of the fun things the day brings, the antics of our earlier days don't go over as well as they once did. Curling up on the couch with a scary movie and your significant other starts sounding better and better as the years go by, and while we never lose that love of Halloween, we're OK with swapping the shots for a nice glass of wine paired with the leftover trick-or-treat candy. Here are some of the ways how you celebrate the holiday in your 20s might differ from how you do it in your 30s. Source: Fox; Front Page

Halloween excitement in your 20s:

Halloween excitement in your 20s:

Halloween excitement in your 30s:
Paramount Pictures

Halloween excitement in your 30s:

Dealing with trick-or-treaters in your 20s:
Paramount Pictures

Dealing with trick-or-treaters in your 20s:

(Assuming you aren't still trick-or-treating yourself . . .)

Dealing with them in your 30s:

Dealing with them in your 30s:

Porch lights off by 9 p.m.

Halloween costume in your 20s:
Paramount Pictures

Halloween costume in your 20s:

Oh, college . . .

Halloween costume in your 30s:

Halloween costume in your 30s:

Enthusiasm for pumpkin carving in your 30s:
Warner Bros.

Enthusiasm for pumpkin carving in your 30s:

Who needs the mess?

Getting pumped for your night on the town in your 20s:

Getting pumped for your night on the town in your 20s:

Getting pumped for Halloween night in your 30s:
Warner Bros.

Getting pumped for Halloween night in your 30s:

Your idea of a good All Hallows' Eve party in your 20s:

Your idea of a good All Hallows' Eve party in your 20s:

What the party is like in your 30s:

What the party is like in your 30s:

And your friends better remember to take their shoes off at the door.

No. 1 Halloween night priority in your 20s:
Universal Pictures

No. 1 Halloween night priority in your 20s:

Because, alcohol!

How you get your Halloween scares in your 20s:

How you get your Halloween scares in your 20s:

It always seems like a good idea until this moment.

How you get your Halloween scares in your 30s:
ABC Family

How you get your Halloween scares in your 30s:

Entirely acceptable dance moves in your 20s:
Paramount Pictures

Entirely acceptable dance moves in your 20s:

Dancing at a Halloween party in your 30s:

Dancing at a Halloween party in your 30s:

If you make it out to a party, that is. There are so many good scary movies on Netflix!

Being a Halloween badass in your 20s:

Being a Halloween badass in your 20s:

Don't act like you didn't do this drunk at least once (hopefully not on an actual car).

Being a Halloween badass in your 30s:

Being a Halloween badass in your 30s:

Damn kids!

Halloween romance in your 30s:

Halloween romance in your 30s: