11 Relationship Tips You Need to Learn From Kim and Kanye

Kim Kardashian's bodacious lady lumps aren't only a public obsession — we're sure Kanye West can't get enough of 'em either. The fashionable pair aren't shy about their adoration for each other, and that got us thinking about their glamorous relationship. As Kanye once rapped, "One good girl is worth a thousand b*tches." We think we could learn a thing or two from these over-the-top lovers. In honor of their anniversary, check out all the ways you can achieve their kind of love.

Show each other off.

Show each other off.

Kanye puts Kim in his music videos, and Kim puts Kanye in her selfies.


Incorporate humor into your relationship.

Kim captioned this Instagram shot, "Side chicks be like..."

Pay each other compliments.

Pay each other compliments.

Bonus points if you snuggle one other while paying compliments.


Show your love with grand gestures.

Like renting out an entire baseball stadium for a proposal. You know, no biggie.


And don't let marriage stop you from continuing those elaborate acts of love.

Want to get married in Italy? They make it look so easy; it's probably not that hard.

Remind yourself that nobody is perfect at relationships.

Remind yourself that nobody is perfect at relationships.

We're sure Kim and Kanye have had plenty of arguments — like over whether it's a Givenchy or Louis Vuitton kind of day.


Sometimes you need to get serious.

Love isn't all smiles and rainbows all the time. Even when you're hanging with Barry Bonds.

Don't forget to spend time with the kids.

Don't forget to spend time with the kids.

Like take them to fashion shows and throw them Coachella-themed birthday parties.

Appreciate each other's assets.

Appreciate each other's assets.

Demonstrated by Kanye in this GIF.

Matching outfits keeps you in sync with each other.

Matching outfits keeps you in sync with each other.

We've seen these two in a plethora of coordinating ensembles. The couples that match together, stay together.


Support one another's passions.

Even if that person's passion is showing off her butt.