5 Reasons Relationships Fail

Relationships don't work out for various reasons — some are doomed right from the start while others reach their demise much later on. Though it's difficult to predict how one will end (if it does, of course!), it can be helpful to find out why relationships don't last in case there's anything you can resolve moving forward. If you want to prevent yours from falling apart or at least spot any red flags early on, see five reasons relationships fail ahead.

There's no trust.
POPSUGAR Photography | Diggy Lloyd

There's no trust.

It is rarely possible for a relationship to work without any trust. Doubt is powerful enough to destruct even the strongest of connections because it's one partner's paranoia over the other person's words. Whether it's rooted in jealousy, infidelity, or insecurity, a relationship will not last without mutual trust. One person will end up having to live their life differently in order to make their partner feel more reassured and/or their whereabouts will always be in question.

You're in different places in life.
Lindsay Muciy Photography

You're in different places in life.

Timing is everything. If both partners are in different stages in their careers or if one isn't quite as ready as the other to settle down and have kids, the relationship will be rocky until things even out (if they do). It's possible to get through it together, but it ultimately depends on the amount of patience both sides have. If the two of you are willing to ride it out, you'll only come out of it stronger. But if not, this could be the breaking point.

One person has more control.
Sarah Seashell Photography

One person has more control.

Any relationship should be and needs to be a balanced partnership, meaning neither person should have more control than the other. It's never a healthy situation when one partner has the power to dictate the relationship and even the other person's life. It may work out in the beginning, but one can only take not having a say for so long.

You've grown apart.
Inner Song Photography

You've grown apart.

People don't always stay the same person they were when their partner first met them, and that's OK. Personal growth is expected as we get older, but sometimes, that also means you no longer want the same things or person. Whether you've evolved into different people or have just become bored of the relationship, things are bound to end.

You can't agree on the future.
M. Fehr Photography

You can't agree on the future.

Discussions about marriage and children don't often come up so early in the relationship, which means it can be the deciding factor later on. Unfortunately, couples who don't see eye to eye when it comes to a future together choose to ends things sooner rather than later to avoid wasting any more time. If both partners aren't willing to compromise, it's only a matter of time until the relationship comes to an end.