5 Things I Wish I Knew About Dating While Studying Abroad Before I Left

Unsplash | Trung Thanh

There's something electric about leaving home to live in and explore a new country. There are so many new things to do, see, and eat, and, of course, people to meet. Most people who study abroad go with the expectation of living out the full plot of The Lizzie McGuire Movie, including the passionate and spontaneous love affair with a foreign babe. But with such passion and excitement can come . . . complications. Whether it's the language barrier or muddled intentions, dating while abroad can come with a few hiccups you wouldn't usually encounter back home, which makes them a little trickier to navigate. But don't let one of the best parts of living in a new country stress you out! Use your best judgment and let these five tips guide you to living your best love life overseas.


Be Prepared to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone For Date Activities

Thinking back on my dating experiences, I've encountered one too many vague phrases like, "Let's hang out," which usually ends up being a "Netflix and chill" situation, in which I got all dressed up to sit on someone's couch. So imagine my shock when my first date abroad asked me out to a trendy rooftop bar in London. There's so much to do when you're in a different country which opens up the possibilities for date activities. Dinner dates, museum/art gallery dates, scenic picnics, concerts, hiking, going for a swim, and grabbing drinks at a trendy bar are all common date activities you may encounter. Especially if you're in Europe where the drinking age is lower than the US, grabbing a few cocktails is a popular first date activity.

While I know a lot of these dates are also popular and available in the US, enthusiasm for them is just different abroad. So, be prepared and just embrace it all!


Use Dating as an Opportunity to Explore Your Surroundings

You're in a new country, which means there are endless things to do, landmarks to see, and new foods to try! When you're cozying up to your new foreign boo, remember that they're a local and are probably much better than any tour guide on finding all the cool, under-the-radar spots. Use dating as an opportunity to try out all your must-see locations and even discover some places you would have never thought to go.


Take Extra Safety Precautions and Keep Your Guard Up

Although you'll be in a foreign country, to everyone else you'll be the foreign one. This means you won't know your surroundings too well, making it easier to be taken advantage of. Make sure a friend or classmate always knows where you're going when you go out on dates. Try to get as much information on where your dates are taking you before you go, try to pick public and populated locations, and be aware of your surroundings at all times.


Don’t Let Language and Culture Barriers Stand in Your Way

Even though London is an English speaking country, some of the phrases they use just didn't translate. This made for some miscommunication, but also some interesting conversation. The British use "fit" when referring to someone who is attractive, so you can imagine my date's confusion when I responded to being called fit by saying I hadn't been to the gym in a while.

In non-English speaking countries, the language barrier can be more of a problem, but don't let that stop you from putting yourself out there anyway. Google translate exists for a reason! You can also use this challenge as an opportunity to completely immerse yourself in the culture and learn the language. Besides, kissing and chemistry always transcend language barriers!


Manage Your Expectations

It can be easy to get caught up in the heat of an abroad relationship. Keep in mind that you'll only be abroad for a certain amount of time and that eventually, you'll have to go home. With that in mind, be clear about your intentions and ask that your partner be clear with you about theirs. If you just want a fling for the few months you're abroad, be sure to communicate that. If you're open to something more serious, be prepared to have a conversation about becoming long-distance.

Regardless of what your intentions are, remember that as you grow fonder of the country you're living in, it can be easy to develop feelings for whomever you're spending time with because you're associating them with the amazing time you're having abroad. Be open to all the emotions that come with the experience. You just may find the love of your life in a different country, and even if you don't, you're sure to make some amazing memories.

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