21 Perks That Prove Being Single Is the F*cking Best

Everett Collection

In today's society, between dating apps, dating shows, and the lack of old-school communication, finding a meaningful relationship can be really hard. Finding someone is seen as the ultimate goal for many people, making singledom the worst-case scenario. But I'm here to say that being single is actually pretty frickin' awesome. Not only do you have endless amounts of freedom and can spend your time doing whatever the hell you want to do, it also gives you the opportunity to really discover who you are. Keep reading for 21 benefits of riding solo, because being in a relationship definitely doesn't complete you.


You Can Spend the Holidays With Your Family

You don't have to make the difficult decision about whose family to visit for the holidays or have to split your time between two places. You can soak up all the fun with your own family. And terrible in-laws? Don't know 'em.


You Can Travel on a Whim

Have the sudden urge to just go? Book a spontaneous trip next weekend then! You have nobody to answer to but yourself.


You Can Flirt With Everyone

Since you're not committed to anyone, you can flirt with as many people as you want. Get out there and have fun!


You Can Sleep Alone

There's no such thing as designated sides of the bed, because not only do you get all of the covers, but you get all of the space, too. Here's to tossing and turning as much as you want!


All the Food Leftovers Are Yours

You don't have to worry about your partner stealing your leftovers. That last slice of pizza is yours. No arguments.


You Build Lasting Self-Esteem

Anchored by your character, intelligence, independence, and creativity, singlehood is the perfect opportunity to cultivate high self-esteem. You can stand on your own and f*cking thrive.


You Have Full Control of Your Money

All the cash you have in your wallet or stored away in your bank account is yours, and you can spend it on whatever you want.


You're the Boss of Your Own Time

Want to sleep in until noon? Great. Want to rewatch The Office for the billionth time? Go for it. Your time is yours and yours alone.


You Don't Have to Be Nice All the Time

Instead of coming home to exchange pleasantries and engage in small talk, you can slam the door and flop onto the bed in frustration if you've had a bad day. You don't have to put your energy into someone else when you just want to focus on yourself and how you feel.


You Can Party Whenever You Want

The only permission you need to party and drink with your besties whenever and wherever you want is from yourself.


There Are No Expectations

Expectations only cause unnecessary pain and suffering in your life. You can take things one day at a time and just live in the moment.


You Can Wear Whatever You Want

In the mood to wear a hoodie and sweatpants for the fifth day in a row? Why not? You have no one but yourself to impress.


You Can Watch Whatever You Want

Say goodbye to arguing over which TV show or movie you'll be watching at home. You have complete control over the remote, and the power is sweet.


You Can Shave Less

No longer will you feel the need to shave or wax every day to maintain that baby-soft skin for your partner. Let it grow and grow if you want to.


Your Halloween Costume Doesn't Have to Be Collaborated

Instead of dressing up as bath bubbles to match their bar of soap, you can dress up as anyone or anything.


You Can Be as Messy as You Want

For once, it's OK for your room to look like a tornado hit it. No one will yell at or judge you for having dirty clothes on the floor or a layer of crumbs on your sheets.


You Build Stronger Friendships

With more time on your hands, you can reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Your best friends are your real soulmates anyway, right?


You Learn More About Yourself

Being single gives you the perfect opportunity to explore your interests and discover new hobbies. Try a new sport, join a book club, or go skydiving. The world is your oyster!


You Get Glorious, Uninterrupted Sleep

No longer will you suffer from sleep deprivation due to someone else's alarm or bodily noises.


You Don't Have to Worry About Fights

While there's nothing wrong with arguing, you don't have to worry about that extra drama in your life.


You Become More Independent

New experiences allow you to challenge yourself, break old habits, and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. You don't need anyone else to do something, so whether it's going to a movie alone or parallel parking without someone to talk you through it, you've got this.

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