7 Traits of High-Value Women That Make Them Irresistible to Men

Some women simply have an innate power that draws men to them, while others develop into "high-value women" over time. Gem Villamin over at YourTango perfectly sums up which magnetic qualities these ladies have.

Unsplash | Vince Fleming

He won't be able to get enough of you.

Some women are born natural goddesses. They are not necessarily the most beautiful, but their beauty radiates from the inside, built upon self-confidence and self-esteem.

This is what makes them so irresistible to men. Men are drawn to high-value women the same way bees are attracted to honey.

Do you consider yourself one of those women?

Maybe not.

But the good news is, being a goddess is second nature to all of us women. We are goddesses by birthright! Most of us just haven't unraveled it yet.

What do men find in women that makes them so irresistible that they just have to commit?

Here are seven qualities men find totally irresistible:

1. An irresistible, high-value women is not agenda-driven.

She doesn't have her head in the clouds, always dreaming of the future when it comes to her relationships. Do you often find yourself getting ahead of the game when you are attracted to a man, already envisioning how the future will look like if you end up being married?

2. To be a high-value woman, you must enjoy and stay present to what is happening now.

She lives and relishes each moment life gives her, and takes whatever her man is giving her at face-value, not over analyzing or strategizing to make him commit right away. She just observes what kind of man she is dealing with right now — that's it.

Many women are natural planners — they get obsessed and controlling about the littlest details. When you're able to relax and enjoy whatever life gives you with a grain of salt and gratitude, this makes you a treasure — as this is a very rare quality among women. He will be so intrigued by your aura that he can't help but think about you even when you are not around.

3. An irresistible, high-value woman keeps herself a mystery to men.

She is full of rich, colorful layers, carefully peeling each layer one by one to her lover, making her man gasp with delight with each new discovery. Mystery is what keeps relationships new.

Men are natural pursuers and chasers and they gravitate toward women who are more of listeners to them, allowing themselves to open up to her with no judgment whatsoever. She knows how to maintain the chase in a relationship, by not revealing all of her cards at once.

4. An irresistible, high-value woman is not addicted to love.

She is not in love with the idea of love, needing to be in love to be and feel complete. She knows and is certain that she is complete and worthy, with or without romantic love.

In fact, she doesn't need love and is not actively finding it. Rather, she enjoys her life. She doesn't latch on to whichever man comes along, believing that she has the choice and that she will choose the right man she wants based on the standards she has set. She doesn't settle for anything else.

5. A high-value woman doesn't have a Cinderella complex.

She knows that she doesn't need a Prince Charming to save or complete her or even make her life happy. Love is abundant and she is happy. She accepts love when it is the right one at the right time.

6. An irresistible, high-value woman does things from a place of power and self-confidence.

She has total control and awareness over her emotions, being vulnerable and independent at the same time. She doesn't cling or pull at her man when he seems distant or withdrawn, allowing him to enjoy his time away from her but at the same time honest with him that she misses him. She respects what her heart feels and doesn't lash out on her man for making her feel that way.

7. A high-value woman doesn't come across as clingy.

When a relationship is over, she can walk away without drama, even if the man is the first one to ghost away. Conversely, she also ends the relationship if she feels it is no longer serving her or her man. She doesn't cling to the idea of "love" when it clearly isn't working for them anymore.

It's really simple science: A true alpha male will stick with a woman who constantly makes him feel good about himself and about being with her. A high-value woman is irresistible when she treats herself the way she wants to be treated by her man!

Gem Villamin is a love and life coach, feminine energy healer who teaches women how to become a high-value dream girl through counter-intuitive methods. She specializes on teaching how to deal with a noncommittal man, and healing broken relationships. Join her community called The Cleopatra Project, on Facebook, or sign up for her newsletter to receive her free expert guide, "Decode A Man's Heart: The Way To His Love and Commitment," and let Gem help you reconnect with your inner goddess today.

This article was originally published at Gem Villamin. Reprinted with permission from the author.

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