These 4 Guys Attempting Labor Simulation Will Be the Best Thing You See All Day

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If you thought this dad experiencing labor pain was funny, these four grown men partaking in an electric-shock simulation that mirrors labor may be all of the comedy you never knew you needed in your life.

Before the simulation, each man is outfitted with a set of electrodes attached to the muscles that labor activates in the abdomen and back — and in the case of one brave (or stupid) man, very near his family jewels. They are then put through the levels of "active labor," all the while commenting (very colorfully at times) about their experiences. Oh, and there's screaming. Lots of screaming.

Exhibit A:

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Exhibit B:

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Watch them squirm as they go through ridiculous amounts of pain, all while listening to birth stories straight from a mother and father who have welcomed their own children into the world. It's not one to miss.

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