9 Backhanded Compliments No Pregnant Woman Wants to Hear

While it's true that pregnant women are often subject to hormone swings, the chemical shifts aren't always to blame for a mom-to-be's emotional state. Sometimes, insensitive comments justifiably bring expecting moms to tears! Instead of potentially hurting a mom-to-be's feelings (or really getting her fired up!), it's easier to avoid making some simple observations. Whether you're guilty of saying one of these "harmless" phrases with good intentions, or were just completely oblivious to the fact that they could have a negative connotation, here are nine backhanded compliments you want to avoid uttering — because expecting mamas are tired of hearing these "unintentional" digs.

You look like you’ve barely gained anything!
Paramount Pictures

You look like you’ve barely gained anything!

Her first thought: Does that mean I looked 20 pounds heavier than I actually was? 

Wow, you’re really glowing!
Walt Disney Studios

Wow, you’re really glowing!

Her first thought: Did you have to point out how much I'm sweating?!

You’re so lucky to be pregnant at your age.

You’re so lucky to be pregnant at your age.

Her first thought: Let's keep my age out of this, shall we? 

You seem so relaxed — I was a nervous wreck!
Sony Pictures

You seem so relaxed — I was a nervous wreck!

Her first thought: I don't need another reminder about how scared I should be. 

You’re lucky to have those childbearing hips!
E! Entertainment Television

You’re lucky to have those childbearing hips!

Her first thought: Don't even go there. 

You haven’t even started waddling yet!

You haven’t even started waddling yet!

Her first thought: I know that I look huge, but I don't plan on waddling — ever. 

You’re lucky you get to take time off and relax after the baby is born!

You’re lucky you get to take time off and relax after the baby is born!

Her first thought: Yes, because recovering from childbirth while caring for a newborn is a tropical vacation. 

Your boobs look massive!

Your boobs look massive!

Her first thought: I know that I'm normally flat-chested but there's no need to stare at my temporary "upgrade."