See What Happens When This Boy With Autism Stumbles Through "Let It Go" at His Talent Show Performance

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Dressed as beloved snowman Olaf and with a microphone in hand, Jagger Lavely took the stage at Oak Middle School. The 13-year-old boy, who has autism, made it through the first verse of "Let It Go" for the school talent show but then started to stumble with the lyrics.

Even though Jagger doesn't even attend that particular school, the students in the audience began singing the lyrics out of support and helped Jagger get through his performance. "It was just that magical moment where it just felt like the entire community rallied around him," said Jagger's mom, Stacey Lavely.

Watch the moment these young kids managed to uplift a stranger — and the visible change in Jagger's mood that helped him to end his performance on a high note.