A 7-Year-Old With Cancer Hitting a Home Run Brought the Entire MLB Stadium to Its Feet

It's not often that baseball fans get teary-eyed, but there likely wasn't a dry eye in the house at the Chicago White Sox stadium on Wednesday afternoon when 7-year-old Alex Estrada stepped onto the field.

The boy, a cancer patient whose ultimate wish was to spend the day as an honorary Sox player, got to hang out in the clubhouse before the game, bat off his favorite pitcher, and round the bases, high-fiving every single player along the way.

Alex was diagnosed three years ago with stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma, and after 18 months of rigorous treatments — chemotherapy, radiation, and stem-cell transplants — he went into remission. Six months later, sadly, he relapsed. This special day at the ballpark served as his "Home Run for Life," and it truly was a homer for the record books — from a perfect swing to a crowd-rousing slide into home plate.

The White Sox called it, on Twitter, "one of the greatest home runs of all time."

Read on for more videos and snapshots from Alex's day on the field.