Try Not to Melt as a TV Reporter Makes This Little Boy Cry on His First Day Back to School

Things aren't always as they seem, and a little boy who says he's excited for his first day of prekindergarten may just be putting on a brave face.

One KTLA TV reporter found that out the hard way this past Tuesday, when she did an on-the-spot interview with 4-year-old Andrew Macias outside Los Angeles-area City Terrace Elementary School. Wearing a backpack almost as big as he is, the boy kindly answered her questions, but when she asked if he'd miss his mom, he proudly said no. That's when things took a heart-melting turn.

Perhaps it was the sudden realization of what going to school for the first time really meant, or maybe it was guilt over casting his dutiful mother aside after all these years. Either way, the happy boy awkwardly laughed and then broke down in tears before walking out of frame.

According to KTLA, Andrew's mom gave him a hug off camera just seconds later. We hope his first day was a success, but we have a feeling he won't be taking any more interviews.