5-Year-Old Kid Dressed Up as SNL's Stefon, and This Costume Has Everything . . .

When your mom is a Saturday Night Live superfan, it goes without saying that you are going to likely spend a few childhood Halloweens dressing up as iconic characters from the show. Little Jude is no exception. This year, his mom Britney Jones — who has "always wanted to be a cast member" — dressed her 5-year-old son as a mini Stefon, a popular Weekend Update guest who always knows New York City's hottest club.

In the words of Stefon, this costume "has everything." From oversize rings to tattoo sleeves to a sleek side part, Jude looked so spot on that NBC's SNL Instagram page featured him, bringing in 130,000 likes!

"I had the shirt and sleeves and just thought Jude would make the cutest Stefon," Britney told POPSUGAR. "While he doesn't say outrageously funny things like Stefon, he loves to make people laugh, and it just came together."

That's not the first time Britney's family has gotten SNL's attention.

Two years ago, she dressed Jude up as Wayne Campbell (of "Wayne's World" fame) and got 40,000 likes when SNL shared the pic.

"Jude is such a fun child," Britney said. "He is always happy to help with my character ideas."

What's more hilarious is that Britney and her husband, Adam, have also gotten in on the SNL themed costumes — her as Gilly and Adam as, well, Stefon! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.