Thoughtful Dad Sets a Coparenting Example Everyone Should Witness

Coparenting with an ex can be tricky, especially when it comes to where the kids spend their time and which parent pays for certain things. However, for Brandon Carpenter, keeping his child's mother happy, healthy, and supported is what coparenting means to him.

When his ex let him know their daughter wasn't feeling well and needed Tylenol, he brought some over and noticed that though the pantry full of his daughter's food was full, the refrigerator was empty aside from water. "Mind you, she works a full-time job and then has my daughter. She pays rent and all her bills, plus she is paying off a car," Brandon wrote. "So today I went shopping to make sure she had food for the next few weeks. Just because we aren't together doesn't mean I can't provide for her if she needs it."

Brandon continues, explaining himself further to those who think he should only have his child's interests in mind. "If my child's mother is good, then I know she is taking care of our daughter the best she can and that makes me happy," he wrote. "Some of y'all think I'm only going to provide for my child . . . but that's thinking like a child. It's time to grow up and take responsibility in all aspects of life!"