This Mom Crocheted Her Son Doll Versions of the Golden Girls and We're Not Worthy

Y'all I really don't deserve my mom. She hand crocheted me the Golden Girls

— sweet daddy (@callmedgoodz) December 25, 2017

As an adult, Christmas morning with your parents tends to make you feel like you're a kid again in the best way possible. For David Goodwin, who inadvertently sent his mom a hint about exactly what she could give him this year, Christmas morning wasn't just about opening the most amazing gift, but involved going viral on Twitter for sharing a photo of that gift with the rest of us.

Because he's always been a huge Golden Girls fan (who isn't?), one of David's friends tagged him in a Facebook post about crocheted character dolls a few months ago, which his mom saw. David mentioned to his mom that he loved them, but thought nothing of the comment until he opened up his very own set of crocheted Sophia, Blanche, Dorothy, and Rose dolls on Christmas morning.

"Y'all I really don't deserve my mom," read David's tweet. "She hand crocheted me the Golden Girls." Since being posted on Christmas morning, the tweet has gotten over 500 comments from other Twitter users admiring his mom's work, as well as thousands of "likes" and nearly 10,000 retweets.

Thank you for being a friend by simply sharing this greatness, David. Now can we get your mom to open up an Etsy shop so we can purchase our own sets?!