Someone Just Broadcasted a Live Video of a Woman Giving Birth on Facebook

On Saturday, a pregnant woman told her husband that she was going into labor, and once the couple arrived at the hospital, the man took the opportunity to share the news. Did he call his loved ones? No. Did he text his closest friends? Nah. Instead, Fakamalo Kihe Eiki got out his cell phone and began live streaming the entire birth on Facebook.

"Let's try pushing baby out," was all that he wrote on the post as he began the recording this past Saturday.

What followed were 45 minutes of pushing, waiting, pushing some more, and the arrival of a baby boy. As fascinating as the live broadcast is to watch — the experience offers a realistic look at hospital births that is far less dramatic than anything you'd see in the movies — it was also bizarre.

The video shows Eiki's wife on a bed surrounded by doctors and nurses, with the father of her unborn child several feet away, his face buried in a phone. When she does give birth to their son, Eiki maintains his position, not once breaking to hug his wife or touch his newborn. Instead, he comments on the infant's "full head of hair" before zooming in for a close-up shot.

Because Facebook Live is such a new platform, this is very likely the first time a birth has ever been broadcast as it happened. (We almost wonder if the wife had any idea that the video her husband was filming was being streamed all over social media.)

But, as voyeuristic as people tend to be these days, we're certain it won't be the last.