Chic and Affordable Dorm Room Decor to Suit Your Finicky Collegiate

The college drop-off is a big moment for parents that's filled with pride, anxiety, nostalgia, and excitement. Make this mixed-emotion milestone fun and rewarding for both Mom and the student by preparing for the big move-in with everything your unique college kid wants — plus what Mom knows they need. You know them better than just about anyone else, so set them up for success with these pieces that will cater perfectly to their tastes, interests, and behaviors.

The Future Fashion Major

The Future Fashion Major

She may be thinking about the colorful throw pillow ($25) and bright ottoman ($60) that will pepper the room with personal style, but Mom knows not to forget the practical stuff. A set of hangers ($3), a shelf ($35) for organizing shoes and accessories, and a steamer ($23) for those last-minute outfit fixes will set this student up for a fashionable freshman year.

The Type A Organizer

The Type A Organizer

He likes to have everything in its place, and Mom knows that a tiered rolling cart ($30) can hold lots of dorm essentials. A desk clock ($15) is the perfect old-school design touch that makes sure he's never late for class, and a wall calendar ($10) turns his schedule into part of the room's decor. Now he'll sit back in his desk chair ($40) and admire the organized view.

The Tech Wizard

The Tech Wizard

She's at her desk cracking code and working on issues of net neutrality, so she hardly has time to attend to decor. Luckily, Mom knows that she'll need a couple of desk accessories, like the perfect lamp ($13) and a faux plant ($8) for a touch of natural color. Plus, since her digital daughter can be at it for hours, Mom makes sure she has a simple but elegant coffee system ($100) and a microwave ($65) for in-room dinners.

The Social Butterfly

The Social Butterfly

He picks out a string of lights ($15) and the perfect comfy lounger ($120) to host new friends, while Mom makes sure he has a chic coffee table ($75) they can gather around, plus a warm, cozy rug ($10) to tie the room together.

More from Target

More from Target

Head to Target with your teenager for dorm room essentials and you're guaranteed to put a smile on their face! Shop now!