47 Empowering Phrases Your Child Should Be Hearing From You Daily

As parents, how we speak to our children is so important. Showing your child you believe in them through encouraging words is something that will empower them in ways unimaginable as they grow up — and those feelings of support and reassurance will stick with them well into adulthood. Giving a child a sense of empowerment doesn't have to feel like you're giving up your authority; it just means you're validating who they are and reassuring them that they're enough, they're important, and they can do whatever they put their mind to.

Read through for 47 empowering phrases you should be saying to your child daily to help them to feel confident and encourage their sense of self.

  1. Your dreams are important.
  2. You can do anything you set your mind to.
  3. You are enough.
  4. You make me proud.
  5. It's OK to feel scared.
  6. You can't always change the things you can't control.
  7. Your attitude can change any situation.
  8. It's OK to make mistakes.
  9. Even if you make a mistake, you can fix it.
  10. Your opinion matters.
  11. You can try again tomorrow.
  12. Always be true to yourself.
  13. Nobody is perfect.
  14. You are a great friend.
  15. Don't let anyone put down your ambitions.
  16. You can change the world.
  17. Being kind does not make you weak.
  18. Your words are meaningful.
  19. You deserve to be happy.
  20. You have amazing ideas.
  21. You don't have to be perfect to be great.
  22. I believe in you.
  23. Let's try it your way.
  24. Follow your heart.
  25. Never stop trying.
  26. You can do it!
  27. You don't have to do what everyone else is doing.
  28. You are worth it.
  29. Your ideas are great.
  30. Anything is possible.
  31. Dream big.
  32. You have a choice.
  33. You can say no.
  34. You can say yes.
  35. Don't be afraid to be you.
  36. You're making a difference.
  37. You're important to me.
  38. I value you.
  39. Go with your gut.
  40. You're not too young to do anything.
  41. You don't need to be just like your friends.
  42. It's your decision.
  43. Never give up.
  44. You are stronger than you think.
  45. If you believe in something, it's important.
  46. Don't compare yourself to anybody else.
  47. I trust you.