This Giant Stroller Lets You Test What It's Like For a Baby to Ride in One

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Every parent has said it at least 17 times: "I wish someone would push me around in a stroller all day."

Well, moms and dads, it looks like your days of complaining are over. Kolcraft, a baby product company, designed an exact, oversize replica of its Contours Bliss stroller to give parents the opportunity to experience what it's like for their babies to ride in one. Their reasoning behind the adult version? Babies can't talk to tell you what they like, if the ergonomics really are impressive, or if the ride really is smooth.

"We created the test ride so adults could experience first-hand how each Contours stroller is carefully designed with a baby's joy and comfort in mind," Kolcraft President Tom Koltun said in a press release.

But don't get too excited: while adults are actually able to give the stroller a spin where it's available (follow the brand on Facebook to find out when it's coming to a city near you), there are no plans to sell them.

Watch the video above to see the giant stroller in action. Sure, it's a lot less fun to push an adult-size stroller, but for the rider, what's not to love?